Centre for Policy on Ageing


Care homes market study
 — update paper
Corporate AuthorCompetition and Markets Authority - CMA
PublisherCompetition and Markets Authority, 14 June 2017
Pages53 pp
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Residents [care homes] ; Charges ; Consumer choice ; Complaints [services] ; Market research.
AnnotationThe Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched this market study on 2 December 2016, which aims to understand why the care home market may not be working well for residents and their families, and to develop proposals to make it work better. The focus is on the provision of residential care for older people aged 65+ in residential and nursing homes in the whole of the UK. There are some 433,000 people occupying care home places: 41% entirely self-funded, 37% funded by the public purse, and others partly self-fund or receive other funding. Total available capacity is around 454,000 beds in 11,293 care homes, mostly supplied by independent care providers. The study covers four main themes: choosing care homes; regulation; competition between care homes; and consumer protection issues. This paper also covers complaints and redress; state procurement; investment in future capacity; and funding. It seeks responses by 5 July 2017 on matters addressed in this update; a final report will be issued by 1 December 2017. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170616001 B
ClassmarkKW: LHB: KX: QEJ: WYC: QLV: WUA

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