Centre for Policy on Ageing


Organisational aspects of elder mistreatment in long term care
Author(s)Paula HydeDiane Burns, Anne Killett
Journal titleQuality in Ageing and Older Adults, vol 15 no 4, 2014
PublisherEmerald, 2014
Pagespp 197-209
KeywordsElder abuse ; Neglect [care] ; Residents [care homes] ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Management [care] ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThis paper proposes five organisational factors associated with abuse, neglect and/or loss of dignity of older people resident in care homes. It derives from one set of findings from the ResPECT Study of Organisational Dynamics of Elder Care, commissioned by Comic Relief and the Department of Health (DH) through the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect In the Care of Older Adults programme (PANICOA). A knowledge synthesis method was selected to identify organisational aspects of elder mistreatment in residential care settings. The method was selected for its suitability in examining ill-defined and contested concepts, such as elder mistreatment, where the available evidence is dispersed and produced in varied forms. A rapid review comprising a search of three academic databases and a detailed examination of selected investigation reports into institutional mistreatment was followed by panel meetings with subject experts to complete the knowledge synthesis. This paper identifies and elaborates five organisational factors associated with elder mistreatment: infrastructure, management and procedures, staffing, resident population characteristics, and culture. This suggests that care quality is produced systemically, and that it can collapse as a result of seemingly minor and unrelated organisational changes. It also indicates macro-structural factors affecting care quality. Further research is needed to elaborate the influence of these organisational factors on mistreatment, and to understand any interactions. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170526209 A
ClassmarkQNT: QNR: KX: KW: LHB: QA: 64A

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