Centre for Policy on Ageing


Care coordination for older people
 — an exploratory framework
Author(s)Jane Hughes, Helen Chester, Caroline Sutcliffe
Journal titleQuality in Ageing and Older Adults, vol 16, no 3, 2015
PublisherEmerald, 2015
Pagespp 130-139
KeywordsServices ; Social work ; Management [care] ; Coordination ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThe authors present a framework for examining variation in care coordination arrangements for older people. A multi-method approach was adopted, combining analysis of secondary data and primary data. There were two stages: the development of the framework and its constituent attributes and indicators; and its validation from two perspectives: a meeting with managers and focus groups with practitioners. It was informed by: an existing generic framework; subsequent policy guidance; data from an English national survey; previous research; and international literature. The framework comprises 19 attributes, each with indicators measuring performance relating to: organisational arrangements influencing service delivery; the performance of core tasks of care coordination; and differentiation within the process to distinguish between responses to different levels of need. Care coordination arrangements in England are characterised by diversity. This paper provides a framework for evaluating local arrangements, thereby highlighting strengths and where improvements are needed. It offers a means to promote programme fidelity. As such, it has utility for both service commissioners and providers. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170519214 A
ClassmarkI: IG: QA: QAJ: 4C

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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