Centre for Policy on Ageing


Adult social care
 — ninth report of Session 2016-17: report, together with formal minutes relating to the report
Corporate AuthorCommunities and Local Government Committee, House of Commons
PublisherHouse of Commons, London, 31 March 2017
Pages90 pp (HC 2016/17 1103)
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Care homes ; Social Services Departments ; Costs [care] ; Government publications ; England.
AnnotationThe Government needs to urgently review how social care is funded in the long term, and to address serious threats to provision. This report should be read with 'Adult social care: a pre-Budget report', as together, the reports describe the funding pressures on adult social care, and in this report, their effect on the quality of provision, those receiving care, the NHS, care staff, carers and providers. The report explores progress on integration of health and social care services and innovation in the provision of social care. While the Committee welcomes the Chancellor's commitment to provide an additional £2bn for social care over the next three years, it finds that this falls short of the amount required to close the social care funding gap, and that expenditure will need to rise as a proportion of total public expenditure. Among key points highlighted are that: fewer than one in twelve Directors of Adult Social Care are fully confident that their local authority will be able to meet its statutory duties in 2017-18; almost all those paying for their own care pay on average 43% more than state funded residents in the same home for the same room and the same level of care; 27% of care workers received no dementia training; and 24% of those who administer medication were not trained to do so. The report sets out a number of recommendations relating to the monitoring of care services, care commissioning, and the care workforce. The Committee also set out what needs to happen to ensure that social care is funded sustainably in the medium and long terms. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170331001 B
ClassmarkI: L: KW: PF: QDC: 6OA: 82

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