Centre for Policy on Ageing


"Why would I want to go out?"
 — age-related vision loss and social participation
Author(s)Debbie Laliberte Rudman
Journal titleCanadian Journal on Aging, vol 35, no 4, December 2016
PublisherCambridge University Press, December 2016
Pagespp 465-478
KeywordsVisual impairment ; Ageing process ; Social contacts ; Participation ; Canada.
AnnotationSocial participation, a key determinant of healthy ageing, is often negatively impacted by age-related vision loss (ARVL). This grounded theory study aimed to understand social participation as a process negotiated in everyday life by older adults with ARVL. Interviews, audio diaries and life space maps were used to collect data with 21 older adults in two Ontario cities. Inductive data analysis resulted in a transactional model of the process of negotiating social participation in context. This model depicted how environmental features and resources, skills and abilities, and risks and vulnerabilities transacted with values and priorities to affect if and how social participation occurred within the context of daily life. The findings pointed to several ways that research and services addressing the social participation of older adults with ARVL need to expand, particularly in relation to environmental features and resources, risk and the prioritisation of independence. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-170224228 A
ClassmarkBR: BG: TOA: TMB: 7S

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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