Centre for Policy on Ageing


It 'makes you feel more like a person than a patient'
 — patients' experiences receiving home-based primary care (HBPC) in Ontario, Canada
Author(s)Tracy Smith-Carrier, samir K Sinha, Mark Nowaczynski
Journal titleHealth and Social Care in the Community, vol 25, no 2, March 2017
PublisherWiley Blackwell, March 2017
Pagespp 723-733
KeywordsHousebound ; Usage [services] ; Attitude ; Home visits [doctors] ; Medical care ; Multi disciplinary ; Qualitative Studies ; Canada.
AnnotationThe lack of effective systems to appropriately manage the health and social care of frail older adults, especially among those who become homebound, is becoming more apparent. Home-based primary care (HBPC) is increasingly being promoted as a promising model that takes into account the accessibility needs of frail older adults, ensuring that they receive more appropriate primary and community care. There remains a paucity of literature exploring patients' experiences with HBPC programmes. This study explored the experiences of patients accessing HBPC delivered by interprofessional teams, and their perspectives on the facilitators and barriers to this model of care in Ontario, Canada. Using certain grounded theory principles, the authors conducted an inductive qualitative content analysis of in-depth patient interviews (n = 26) undertaken in the winter of 2013 across seven programme sites exploring the lived experiences and perspectives of participants receiving HBPC. Themes emerged in relation to patients' perceptions regarding the preference for and necessity of HBPC, the promotion of better patient care afforded by the model in comparison to office-based care, and the benefits of and barriers to HBPC service provision. Underlying patterns also surfaced relating to patients' feelings and emotions about their quality of life and satisfaction with HBPC services. The authors argue that HBPC is well positioned to serve frail housebound older adults, ensuring that patients receive appropriate primary and community care - which the office-based alternative provides little guarantee - and that they will be cared for. This points to a model that may not only lead to greater patient satisfaction, but also likely contributes to improving the quality of life of a highly vulnerable population. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170224212 A
ClassmarkC6: QLD: DP: L5H: LK: 3DM: 3DP: 7S

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