Centre for Policy on Ageing


What do we know about care home managers?
 — Findings of a scoping review
Author(s)Katherine Orellana, Jill Manthorpe, Jo Moriarty
Journal titleHealth and Social Care in the Community, vol 25, no 2, March 2017
PublisherWiley Blackwell, March 2017
Pagespp 366-377
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Managers ; Care home staff ; In-service training ; Literature reviews ; England.
AnnotationThis article reports selected findings from a scoping review of the literature about care home managers in England. The review was undertaken between December 2013 and April 2014, with searches conducted in December 2013, and completed in July 2014. Its aim was to identify the characteristics of care home managers, descriptions of their leadership and managerial roles, their experience, skills and support, and the managers' perceptions of their work and status and to identify knowledge gaps. The databases searched included Web of Knowledge, EBSCO, ASSIA, Embase, AgeInfo, NHS Evidence, Social Care Online and the publication platforms IngentaConnect, Wiley Online and JSTOR, together with specialist sites and national information providers. Sixteen relevant studies directly about care home managers, reported in 24 articles, were identified. A further body of literature pertinent to the questions was located (n = 84), including sector reports, professional press, expert opinion, enquiries and reviews, and other material, which also informed the review. A consultation exercise with stakeholders informed the findings of the review. The review found that, despite frequent allusions to their impact on organisational culture, few studies have focused on care home managers, and, such as there are, mainly relate to managers of care homes for older people. This is despite managers' major responsibilities for the care of many frail and disabled people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170224201 A
ClassmarkKW: LHB: T6: QRM: QWD: 64A: 82

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