Centre for Policy on Ageing


Family size and old-age wellbeing
 — effects of the fertility transition in Mexico
Author(s)Carlos Diaz-Venegas, Joseph L Saenz, Rebeca Wong
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 37, no 3, March 2017
PublisherCambridge University Press, March 2017
Pagespp 495-516
KeywordsThe Family ; Children [offspring] ; Demography ; Well being ; Quantitative studies ; Mexico.
AnnotationThe present study aims to determine how family size affects psycho-social, economic and health well-being in old age differently across two cohorts with declining fertility. The data are from the ì2012 Mexican Health and Ageing Study (MHAS) including 13,102 respondents aged 50+. Poisson (standard and zero-inflated) and logistic regressions are used to model determinants of well-being in old age: psycho-social (depressive symptoms), economic (consumer durables and insurance) and health (chronic conditions). In the younger cohort, having fewer children is associated with fewer depressive symptoms and chronic conditions, and better economic well-being. For the older cohort, having fewer children is associated with lower economic well-being and higher odds of being uninsured. Lower fertility benefited the younger cohort (born after 1937), whereas the older cohort (born in ì1937 or earlier) benefited from lower fertility only in chronic conditions. Further research is needed to continue exploring the old-age effects of the fertility transition. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170217202 A
ClassmarkSJ: SS: S8: D:F:5HH: 3DQ: 7TY

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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