Centre for Policy on Ageing


Attitudes to dementia
 — findings from the 2015 British Social Attitudes survey
Author(s)Anna Marcinkiewicz, Susan Reid
Corporate AuthorNatCen Social Research; Public Health England
PublisherNatCen Social Research, London, 2016
Pages18 pp
KeywordsDementia ; Attitude ; Public opinion ; Social surveys.
AnnotationPublic Health England (PHE) commissioned question modules on four subject areas (alcohol, obesity, dementia and mental wellbeing) as part of NatCen's 2015 British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey. Forty questions about attitudes to dementia were asked, of which 18 had been asked previously on the Scottish Social Attitudes (SSA) survey in 2014. The rest of the questions were developed by the BSA research team through a process of questionnaire design and piloting. This paper explores the public's experience and knowledge of dementia, attitudes to people with dementia and caring, help-seeking behaviour, and dementia-friendly communities. 2167 people completed the interview, and 1827 people completed the self-completion questionnaire. The majority (59%) have known someone with dementia and knowledge of the symptoms of dementia is high. However, there are clear gaps in public knowledge of the risk factors. There is also evidence of stigmatising attitudes towards people living with dementia. However, 52% chose dementia as either their first, second or third priority from a list of health conditions for doctors and scientists to try to prevent. 12% see dementia as the highest priority for prevention. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170110004 P
ClassmarkEA: DP: U5: 3F *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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