Centre for Policy on Ageing


Using data to identify good-quality care for older people
 — research report
Author(s)Chris Sherlaw-Johnson, Alisha Davies, Claire Currie
Corporate AuthorNuffield Trust
PublisherNuffield Trust, London, November 2016
Pages33 pp
KeywordsHealth services ; Quality ; Performance ; Indicators ; Evaluation ; Pilot ; England.
AnnotationThe quality of care delivered to older people across England varies greatly. Numerous initiatives have been set up with the aim of improving care, but much of the evidence of their effectiveness is anecdotal. Also, when a locality has multiple health or care improvement activities, it is not always clear which parts improve outcomes and which do not. Moreover, some of the most effective activity could be going unreported. This report describes the results of a pilot analysis using a few health care indicators (mainly from acute emergency activity), to test ways of using data to identify good quality care for older people. It finds that it is possible to use routine data to identify significant changes over time that may relate to improvements in quality of care. However, there is not always a straightforward link between improvements in reported outcomes and changes in the way services are being delivered. Although such links may exist, they are not necessarily easy to find. There may be numerous innovations for changing service provision running concurrently in a locality, but how these interact may have a more important impact on outcomes than any one activity on its own. Much could be gained if local areas could monitor changes against their own past history, particularly when evaluating new initiatives for improving care. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170110001 B
ClassmarkL: 59: 5H: 3RI: 4C: 4UC: 82

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