Centre for Policy on Ageing


Organization and supply of long-term care services for the elderly
 — a bird's-eye view of old and new EU Member States
Author(s)Monika Riedel, Markus Kraus, Susanne Mayer
Journal titleSocial Policy and Administration, vol 50, no 7, December 2016
PublisherWiley Blackwell, December 2016
Pagespp 824-845
KeywordsHome care services ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Services ; Long term ; Management [care] ; European Union ; Comparison ; Europe.
AnnotationThis article provides an overview of the organisation of formal long-term care (LTC) systems for older people in ten old and 11 new EU Member States (MS). Generally, the authors find that the main responsibility for regulating LTC services is centralised in half of these countries, whereas in the remaining countries, this responsibility is typically shared between authorities at the central level and those at the regional or local levels in both institutional and home-based care. Responsibilities for planning LTC capacities are jointly met by central and non-central authorities in most countries. Access to publicly financed services is rarely means-tested, and most countries have implemented legal entitlements conditional on needs. In virtually all countries, access to institutional care is subject to cost sharing, which also applies to home-based care in most countries. The relative importance of institutional LTC relative to home-based LTC services differs significantly across Europe. Although old MS appear to be experiencing some degree of convergence, institutional capacity levels still span a wide range. Considerable diversity may also be observed in the national public-private mix in the provision of LTC services. Lastly, free choice between public and private providers exists in the vast majority of these countries. This overview provides vital insights into the differences and similarities in the organisation of LTC systems across Europe, especially between old and new MS, while also contributing valuable insight into previously neglected topics, thus broadening the knowledge base of international experience for mutual learning. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170106235 A
ClassmarkNH: KW: LHB: I: 4Q: QA: WFC: 48: 74

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