Centre for Policy on Ageing


Eating for health in care homes
 — a practical nutrition handbook
Author(s)Sue Thomas, Hilary Mengham
Corporate AuthorRoyal Institute of Public Health
PublisherRoyal Institute of Public Health, London, 2007
Pages112 pp
SourceRoyal Institute of Public Health, 28 Portland Place, London W1B 1DE. Website: www.riph.org.uk
KeywordsNutrition ; Diet ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Instruction handbooks.
AnnotationFirst published in 2002, this handbook is designed for owners, managers, chefs and other staff of care homes who have responsibility for older people's nutritional health. Illnesses and conditions that particularly affect older people are discussed, as is the requirement to care for the needs and tastes of people from a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. It covers special diets, and problems with nutrition, swallowing, eating and drinking. It includes an appendix on the Heimlich manoeuvre (to alleviate choking). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170106002 B
ClassmarkCF: CFD: KW: LHB: 69M

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