Centre for Policy on Ageing


Engaging older people in healthy and active lifestyles
 — a systematic review
Author(s)Julia Menichetti, Pietro Cipresso, Dario Bussolin, Guendalina Graffigna
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 36, no 10, November 2016
PublisherCambridge University Press, November 2016
Pagespp 2036-2060
KeywordsAgeing process ; Health [elderly] ; Good Health ; Preventative medicine ; Participation ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationIn 2002, the World Health Organization's (WHO). 'Active ageing: a policy framework' emphasised the concept of active ageing to manage and increase the last third of life. Although many efforts have been made to optimise treatment management, less attention has been paid to health promotion initiatives. To date, few shared guidelines exist that promote an active life where healthy older people are the target population. To fill this gap, the authors conducted a systematic review to map health promotion interventions that targeted active and healthy ageing among older citizens. Articles containing the key term "active ageing" and seven synonyms were searched for in electronic databases. Because the authors were interested in actions aimed at promoting healthier lifestyles, they connected the string with the term "health". A total of 3,918 titles were retrieved and 20 articles were extracted. Twelve of the 20 studies used group interventions, five interventions were aimed at the individual, and three interventions were aimed at the community. Interventions differed for the health focus of the programmes, which ranged from physical activity interventions to social participation or cognitive functioning. Most of the studies aimed to act on psychological components. The review suggests that different interventions promoting active ageing are effective in improving specific healthy and active lifestyles. However, no studies were concerned directly with a holistic process of citizen health engagement to improve long-term outcomes. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-161021005 A
ClassmarkBG: CC: CD: LK2: TMB: 64A

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