Centre for Policy on Ageing


Learning for living
 — helping to prevent social exclusion among older people
Corporate AuthorHelp the Aged
PublisherHelp the Aged, London, 2008
Pages36 pp
KeywordsAdult Education ; Information needs ; Information technology ; Social inclusion ; Isolation ; Social policy ; Case studies.
AnnotationUnless older people are able to further their skills and learn new ones, there is a danger that they will become increasingly excluded from society. With more than one third of older people saying they feel out of touch with modern life, Help the Aged calls for all Government departments to recognise that older people need skills to play an active role in society. This publication uses examples of projects demonstrating four types of skills necessary for preventing older people from becoming isolated or socially excluded: financial literacy, health literacy, citizenship literacy and technological literacy. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-161021003 B
ClassmarkGP: UV:IK: UVB: RNA: TP: TM2: 69P

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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