Centre for Policy on Ageing


Lessons on aging
 — hopes and concerns of Japanese women at midlife
Author(s)Melissa K Melby
Journal titleJournal of Women and Aging, vol 28, no 2, [March-April] 2016
PublisherRoutledge, [March-April] 2016
Pagespp 127-140 (IN: Journal of Women and Aging, vol 28, nos 1-3, 2016)
KeywordsWomen ; Middle aged ; Attitude ; Family relationships ; Parents ; Children [offspring] ; Social surveys ; Japan.
AnnotationJapan is leading the global trend of decreasing birth rates and of a greying society. In this study, the authors examine women's changing gender and intergenerational relationships and how these affect their concerns and hopes for their futures. Many of the 121 midlife women (aged 45-55) interviewed viewed themselves as sandwiched between their mothers-in-law and actual or potential daughters-in-law, at the nadir of intergenerational status within their families, in large part due to changing social patterns in marriage and birth rates. Doubts about the marriageability of their sons arising from role expectations for brides to care for parents-in-law cause concern for many and highlight the gendered and intergenerational nature of aging concerns. Yet, midlife in the 21st century, with changing gender and intergenerational roles, appears to create opportunities for many Japanese women to reflect on the meaning of the next stage of their lives. Changing gender and intergenerational relationships may contribute to their hopes to live a life of self-actualisation and to be true to one's self (jibun rashiku ikiru). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-160805252 A
ClassmarkSH: SE: DP: DS:SJ: SR: SS: 3F: 7DT

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