Centre for Policy on Ageing


Yoga-based exercise improves balance and mobility in people aged 60 and over
 — a systematic review and meta-analysis
Author(s)Sabrina Youkhana, Catherine M Dean, Moa Wolff
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 45, no 1, January 2016
PublisherOxford University Press, January 2016
Pagespp 21-29
KeywordsYoga ; Physical capacity ; Mobility ; Falls ; Preventative medicine ; Accident prevention ; Evaluation ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationOne-third of community-dwelling older adults fall annually. Exercise that challenges balance is proven to prevent falls. In this study the authors conducted a systematic review with meta-analysis to determine the impact of yoga-based exercise on balance and physical mobility in people aged 60 years and above. Searches for relevant trials were conducted on a range of electronic databases from inception to February 2015. Trials were included if they evaluated the effect of physical yoga (excluding meditation and breathing exercises alone) on balance in people aged 60 years and above. The study extracted data on balance and the secondary outcome of physical mobility. Standardised mean differences and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using random-effects models. Methodological quality of trials was assessed using the 10-point Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) Scale. Six trials of relatively high methodological quality, totalling 307 participants, were identified and had data that could be included in a meta-analysis. Overall, yoga interventions had a small effect on balance performance and a medium effect on physical mobility. These findings showed that yoga interventions resulted in small improvements in balance and medium improvements in physical mobility in people aged 60 years and above. Further research is required to determine whether yoga-related improvements in balance and mobility translate to prevention of falls in older people. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-160805201 A
ClassmarkHTY: BI: C4: OLF: LK2: OQ: 4C: 64A

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