Centre for Policy on Ageing


Happy living in darkness!
 — Indoor lighting in relation to activities of daily living, visual and general health in 75-year-olds living at home
Author(s)Grethe Eilertsen, Gunnar Horgen, Tor Martin Kvikstad, Helle K Falkenbert
Journal titleJournal of Housing for the Elderly, vol 30, no 2, April-June 2016
PublisherTaylor and Francis, April-June 2016
Pagespp 199-213
KeywordsLighting systems ; Over 70s ; Visual impairment ; Health [elderly] ; Self care capacity ; Social surveys ; Norway.
AnnotationLighting has been identified as a significant environmental attribute for promoting vision and general health among older people, enabling successful ageing at home, but it has received little attention in the literature. Indoor lighting levels, self-reported vision and general health, and activities of daily life were measured in 114 healthy 75-year-old Norwegians. Despite very low levels of indoor lighting, the subjects were happy and healthy. There is a large discrepancy between self-assessed health and recommended lighting levels, and low awareness of the effect of lighting on age-related vision loss or daily living in the future. Knowledge of how to utilise indoor lighting to ensure healthy and safe ageing for those living in their own homes is needed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-160617217 A
ClassmarkYG: BBK: BR: CC: CA: 3F: 76N

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