Centre for Policy on Ageing


Evaluation of a healthy ageing intervention for frail older people living in the community
Author(s)Beverley McNamara, Lorna Rosenwax, Elinda AL Lee, Anne Same
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 35, no 1, March 2016
PublisherWiley, March 2016
Pagespp 30-35
KeywordsAgeing process ; Living in the community ; Health [elderly] ; Activities of older people ; Social contacts ; Participation ; Well being ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThe present study aimed to evaluate a healthy ageing intervention in the form of a programme of physical and social activity for frail older people living in the community. New members of an activity programme were surveyed before and after attending and interviewed face-to-face prior to the programme, immediately afterwards and through a telephone interview two months later. Programme participants reported better health, social function and mental well-being; greater engagement in household and leisure activities; and increased enjoyment and confidence through participating in the programme. Some participants could not attend the whole programme due to poor health or difficulties securing transport. These results suggest that the programme was successful in enhancing the health and well-being of those community-dwelling older adults who stayed in it. However the high drop-out rate suggests that flexibility is required in community-based healthy ageing programmes. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-160520226 A
ClassmarkBG: K4: CC: G: TOA: TMB: D:F:5HH: 4C

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