Centre for Policy on Ageing


The association between cognitive impairment and community service use patterns in older people living in Australia
Author(s)Nerina Vecchio, Janna A Fitzgerald, Katrina Radford, Ron Fisher
Journal titleHealth and Social Care in the Community, vol 24, no 3, May 2016
PublisherWiley Blackwell, May 2016
Pagespp 321-333
KeywordsMental disorder ; Community care ; Home care services ; Usage [services] ; Family care ; Cross sectional surveys ; Australia.
AnnotationFamilies play a vital role in supporting individuals with dementia to reside in the community, thus delaying institutionalisation. Existing research indicates that the burden of care-giving is particularly high for those caring for a person with dementia. Even so, little is known about the uptake of community services by people with a diagnosis of dementia. This study aims to better understand the relationship between cognitive impairment and the receipt of community care services. To examine this relationship, the study analyses secondary data collected across Queensland, Australia from 59,352 home-care clients aged 65 and over during 2007-2008. This cross-sectional study uses regression analyses to estimate the relationship between cognitive impairment and service mix, while controlling for socio-demographic characteristics. The dependent variables include formal services, informal care and total home-care service hours during a 12-month period. The findings demonstrate that cognitive impairment is associated with accessing more hours of respite and day centre care, but fewer hours of other formal care services. Additionally, the likelihood of support from an informal caregiver increases when a client becomes cognitively impaired. This study thus demonstrates that, as the population of people living with dementia increases, there is an increased need for respite programmes to support informal caregivers in the future. These findings support the need for investigations of new and innovative respite models in the future. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-160415217 A
ClassmarkE: PA: NH: QLD: P6:SJ: 3KB: 7YA

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