Centre for Policy on Ageing


How do baby boomers' mobility patterns change with retirement?
Author(s)Anu Siren, Sonja Haustein
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 36, no 5, May 2016
PublisherCambriddge University Press, May 2016
Pagespp 988-1007
KeywordsRetirement ; Employment of older people ; Mobility ; Driving capability ; Transport services ; Needs [elderly] ; Longitudinal surveys ; Denmark.
AnnotationBaby boomers will soon comprise a considerable share of tomorrow's older population. Previous research has indicated higher travel activity and car use amongst baby boomers than amongst older cohorts. However, little evidence exists on the effects of boomers' ageing on transport systems. To analyse how retirement affects baby boomers' travel and the related future travel demand, the authors compared three groups of Danish people born in 1946 and 1947, distinguished by employment status as 'still working', 'early retirees' and 'recent retirees'. Data for 864 individuals were collected by standardised telephone interviews in 2009 and 2012. A clear tendency was found towards reducing car use and mileage over time and as a consequence of retirement. Nevertheless, car use for leisure purposes increased after retirement. Whilst retirement had a bigger impact on men's than on women's car use, those women who continued working had a high reliance on car use that did not decline over time. This study suggests that retirement is a transition point associated with decreasing car use. Hence, the ageing of the population is likely to have a decreasing effect on transport demand. However, informal care-giving, prolonged careers and atypical working life, boomer women's changing professional roles, and the emergence of leisure and consumption as major cultural and social frameworks of the third age are likely to make this transition different to that observed in previous cohorts. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-160415205 A
ClassmarkG3: GC: C4: OPF: O: IK: 3J: 76K

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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