Centre for Policy on Ageing


Housing and care for the most vulnerable older people: what can social housing providers and older people's organisations do together? A research programme funded by Orbit Charitable Trust
 — Phase 2: Creating fit for purpose organisations: Becoming person centred: practical resources for older people's organisations and housing organisations
Author(s)Moyra Riseborough, Adrian Jones, Steve Ongeri
Corporate AuthorRiseborough Research and Consultancy Associates; Orbit Charitable Trust [now Quality of Life Charitable Trust]
Publisher[Orbit Charitable Trust], [Hampton Magna, Warwick], April 2012
Pages34 pp
SourceOrbit Charitable Trust, 5 Daly Avenue, Hampton Magna, Warwick, Warwicksire CV35 8SE. Website: http://quality-trust.org.uk/
KeywordsVoluntary housing agencies ; Housing Associations ; Caring agents [+ Services for the elderly] ; Coordination ; Research.
AnnotationPhase one of this research drew together the issues and concerns being expressed about, by and for older people, and also considered the challenges that housing and older people's organisations were facing in their work to support particularly vulnerable older people. This report on Phase two reflects on the main findings and key messages, starting with developing a methodology that is person-centred. It includes resource material adapted and developed with Age UK in Newcastle and Walsall to demonstrate principles of being person-centred. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-160303002 B
ClassmarkKK: KKH: P4: QAJ: 3A

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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