Centre for Policy on Ageing


Housing and care for the most vulnerable older people: what can social housing providers and older people's organisations do together? A research programme funded by Orbit Charitable Trust
 — Phase 2: Creating fit for purpose organisations: Practice papers
Author(s)Moyra Riseborough, Adrian Jones, Steve Ongeri
Corporate AuthorRiseborough Research and Consultancy Associates; Orbit Charitable Trust [now Quality of Life Charitable Trust]
Publisher[Orbit Charitable Trust], [Hampton Magna, Warwick], April 2012
Pages93 pp
SourceOrbit Charitable Trust, 5 Daly Avenue, Hampton Magna, Warwick, Warwicksire CV35 8SE. Website: http://quality-trust.org.uk/
KeywordsVoluntary housing agencies ; Housing Associations ; Caring agents [+ Services for the elderly] ; Coordination ; Research.
AnnotationPaper 1, 'One size fits all? Meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse population' reflects on the changing nature of diversity in older age and its importance when working with and planning for an ageing population. Paper 2, 'A modern take on partnering and alliances' draws on Orbit Housing and Age UK Walsall's experience and practice of working collaboratively. Paper 3, 'It's good to communicate' underlines how important it is for housing and older people's organisations to communicate better with all current and potential customers, and to make good communication a normal part of everyday practice. Paper 4 discusses attracting new business and new customers, including marketing to older populations. Paper 5, 'Knowledge transfer: learning from demonstration projects' underlines the importance of transformative change for organisations aiming to become person centred and older age friendly. Paper 6 considers the changing and often contested meanings of vulnerability and older age. Lastly, an issues paper brings together areas of economic and social policy in relation to housing organisations and older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-160303001 B
ClassmarkKK: KKH: P4: QAJ: 3A

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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