Centre for Policy on Ageing


Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people's attitudes to end-of-life decision-making and advance care planning
Author(s)Mark Hughes, Colleen Cartwright
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, special issue, 2015
PublisherWiley, 2015
Pagespp 39-43
KeywordsGay men ; Lesbians ; Bi-sexuals ; Transexuals ; Dying ; Terminal care ; Advance directives ; Attitude ; Australia.
AnnotationThe present study aimed to examine lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people's attitudes to advance care planning (ACP) options and alternative decision-making at the end of life. 305 LGBT people completed an online or paper-based questionnaire, comprising fixed-choice questions and open-ended questions. Most respondents, particularly those identifying as female or transgender, preferred a partner to be their alternative decision-maker at the end of life should the need arise. 52% of respondents had spoken to this person about their wishes. Regarding legal options enabling end-of-life decision-making, 29% had an enduring power of attorney, 18% an enduring guardian and 12% an advance care directive. Despite the significance of ACP for promoting the rights of LGBT people at the end of life, the take-up of these options was nearly as low as for the general population. The potential for targeted strategies to increase the take-up of ACP is identified. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-160205229 A
ClassmarkES6DA: ES6DB: ES6E: ES6G: CX: LV: CXB: DP: 7YA

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