Centre for Policy on Ageing


Development of self-efficacy of newly graduated registered nurses in an aged care program
Author(s)Rosalind Lau, Georgina Willetts, Kerry Hood, Wendy Cross
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 34, no 4, December 2015
PublisherWiley, December 2015
Pagespp 224-228
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Nurses ; Nursing ; Training [welfare work] ; Competence ; Evaluation ; Australia.
AnnotationThe aim of this Australian study was to evaluate a residential aged care programme in developing self-efficacy of newly graduated registered nurses. An evaluation of the programme was conducted using a mixed methods approach. 24 nurses completed the pre- and post-survey of aged care nursing self efficacy and attended one of three focus groups held to gain an in-depth understanding of their insight into the programme. Results showed that there was an increase in nurses' self-efficacy post-programme. The increased self-efficacy and new knowledge gained enhanced nurses' confidence and enabled them to critically appraise their workplace practices. The improved confidence resulting from increased self-efficacy and new knowledge gained from the aged care programme enabled nurses to critically appraise the practices in their workplace, demonstrating the programme's effectiveness. Aged care service providers should support continuing education for aged care nurses to ensure sustainability of a competent workforce to manage the increasing aged care population. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-160205216 A
ClassmarkKW: LHB: QTE: LQ: QW: DPB: 4C: 7YA

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