Centre for Policy on Ageing


A practice framework to support the Care Act 2014
Author(s)Tony Stanley
Journal titleJournal of Adult Protection, vol 18, no 1, 2016
PublisherEmerald, 2016
Pagespp 53-64
KeywordsElder abuse ; Protection [vulnerable adults] ; Social work ; Person-centred care ; Law.
AnnotationThe purpose of this paper was to discuss how the signs of safety and wellbeing practice framework offers a practical and logical reinforcement for the Making Safeguarding Personal programme within the practice context of the Care Act. The new practice framework orientates safeguarding practice to be person led and person centred while reinforcing an outcomes focus. The principal social worker co-led the design and pilot programme where the new practice framework was developed and trialled. A practice framework that houses the policy and practice updates needed to deliver the Care Act and Making Safeguarding Personal agenda is logical and necessary for the practitioners. An outcomes focus is encouraged because safeguarding practice is goal orientated and outcome focused. A debate about how practice frameworks can help achieve the Making Safeguarding Personal approach and deliver on the Care Act principles is offered. This is a new and important debate for adult social care. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-160205213 A
ClassmarkQNT: CA3G: IG: PAA: VR

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