Centre for Policy on Ageing


Granny as nanny
 — positive outcomes for grandparents providing childcare for dual-income families. Fact or myth?
Author(s)Suzanne S H Low, Esther C L Goh
Journal titleJournal of Intergenerational Relationships, vol 13, no 4, 2015
PublisherTaylor and Francis, 2015
Pagespp 302-319
KeywordsMulti generation families ; Grandparents as carers ; Grandchildren ; Parents ; Mother ; Employment ; Chinese people ; Singapore.
AnnotationThe proliferation of dual income families has led to the prevalence of grandparents providing childcare in Singapore. The Chinese culture and values have tasked grandparents to fill the role of providing childcare while mothers seek employment. Literature on grandparents providing informal care posits this situation to be a rewarding experience and a protective factor for grandparents' stability in old age. This study uses the Social Relational Theory framework to examine the experiences of Chinese grandparents who provide care for dual-income families in Singapore. In-depth interviews were conducted to understand the experiences of the grandparents and common themes guided by the framework. Through the exploration of the narratives of grandparents, this study sieves out the issues they face in the Singaporean context and analyses the motivations that spur grandparents to provide care for their grandchildren. Despite informal caregiving being positively framed in many studies, this study found that grandparents also faced a variety of challenges. Chinese grandparents were bound to the caregiving roles by cultural and familial obligations despite the high costs associated with providing care. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-160127222 A
ClassmarkSJC: P6:SW: SW5: SR: SRM: WJ: TKL: 7XD

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