Centre for Policy on Ageing


A cost-benefit analysis of a CBT for carers of people with dementia group
Author(s)Chris Allen
Journal titlePsychology of Older People: The FPOP Bulletin, no 133, January 2016
PublisherBritish Psychological Society, January 2016
Pagespp 18-24
KeywordsDementia ; Informal care ; Anxiety ; Depression ; Psychiatric treatment ; Group work ; Evaluation ; Cost benefit analysis.
AnnotationTwenty-two of the most stressed (defined by hitting caseness and having high levels of contact with services) carers of people with dementia attended and completed one of three 12-week CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) for Carers groups. The carers were assessed pre- and post-group on a range of clinical outcome measures, which indicated that after the group, they were less stressed, felt more competent, their general health improved, their participation in activities increased, and their levels of anxiety and depression decreased. A cost-benefit analysis performed by public health indicated that this also translated into savings for the healthcare system, with acute care contacts reducing from 281 to 36 over the same time period, representing a saving of £11,855, and mental health contacts from 119 to 18, suggesting a potential saving of £35,451. Community care contacts increased by one. Total savings were £47,000 for a project costing £15,000. CBT for Carers of People with Dementia groups offer the opportunity of improving carers' physical and mental health, and producing savings for the healthcare system. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-160127201 A
ClassmarkEA: P6: ENP: ENR: LP: IGG: 4C: WEA

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