Centre for Policy on Ageing


The care collapse
 — the imminent crisis in residential care and its impact on the NHS
Author(s)Emily Crawford, Claire Read
PublisherRespublica, London, 2015
Pages14 pp
KeywordsCare homes ; Costs [care] ; Public expenditure cuts ; National Health Service ; England.
AnnotationThis interim report assesses the state of the residential care industry in England, including an analysis of its future financial viability, and projects a funding gap of over £1 billion for older people's residential care alone by 2020/21, which could result in the loss of around 37,000 beds. The report states that 'given the perilous state of the industry, there is no private sector provider with the capacity to take in the residents who would be affected by the loss of other providers' beds. Consequently the author believe the worst outcome is the most likely: that the vast majority of care home residents will end up on general hospital wards. They project that if all these care home lost beds were to flow through to hospitals in this way, the annual cost to the NHS would total £3 billion'. (NH/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-151113504 P
ClassmarkKW: QDC: WN8:5YD: L4: 82 *

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