Centre for Policy on Ageing


Critical thinking in older adult education
 — the contribution of aesthetic experience
Author(s)Alexis Kokkos
Journal titleInternational Journal of Education and Ageing, vol 3, no 2, October 2013
PublisherAssociaton for Education and Ageing, October 2013
Pagespp 137-150
KeywordsAgeing process ; Adult Education ; Cognitive processes ; Reasoning ; Evaluation ; Greece.
AnnotationThis paper argues that the skill of critical thinking is necessary for older people and that the exploration of works of art is one of the main ways that lead to the empowerment of critical thinking. A literature review encompasses definitions of critical thinking as compliance with appropriate cognitive rules; as the questioning of dysfunctional dimensions of social norms and dominant ideology; as the outcome of a process of critical pedagogy; and as the linkage of questioned assumptions with commitments and values. The paper outlines a process of 'transformative learning through aesthetic experience'. It discusses a European Grundtvig Project, ARTiT, and illustrates from it the stages through which aesthetic experience can stimulate and confirm transformative learning. Crucial issues which arise in the process are considered. Finally the process and its outcomes are grounded in a detailed case-study of a group of 15 older people in a day centre outside Athens, questioning, debating and learning critically about family relationships in the context of a work of art. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-151113203 A
ClassmarkBG: GP: DA: DC: 4C: 76X

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