Centre for Policy on Ageing


Volunteering and social action in health and care
 — opening the doors to citizen engagement: empowered volunteers, quality services
Corporate AuthorVolunteering Matters
PublisherVolunteering Matters, London, 2015
Pages19 pp
SourceVolunteering Matters, The Levy Centre, 18-24 Lower Clapton Road, London E5 0PD. Website: volunteeringmatters.org.uk
KeywordsVoluntary workers ; Citizenship ; Voluntary agencies ; Services ; Health services ; Quality.
AnnotationVolunteering Matters (formerly CSV or Community Service Volunteers) is a member of the Health and Care Voluntary Sector Strategic Partnership. In this context, this paper sets out ways in which volunteers can be empowered and supported to help them to improve the quality of outcomes for people who use care and support services. It particularly considers the health, well-being, needs and quality of life of those in residential or nursing homes or in hospital. A further aim is to assist local councils with their duties under the Care Act 2014, on issues such as advocacy. The report notes two important references that will have an impact on volunteering in health and social care settings. The first relates to approaches used by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in response to the Francis Inquiry report (on Mid Staffordshire Hospital NHS Trust); and the second being the King's Fund report, 'Volunteering in health care' (2013). Volunteering should be used as a means of improving quality rather than reducing short-term costs. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-151110001 B
ClassmarkQV: IKC: PK: I: L: 59

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