Centre for Policy on Ageing


Healthy ageing in the 21st century
 — the best is yet to come
Author(s)Steve Field
Corporate AuthorBirmingham Policy Commissions, III
PublisherUniversity of Birmingham, Birmingham, 2014
Pages47 pp
SourceThe University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT.
KeywordsAgeing process ; Health [elderly] ; Quality of life ; Social policy.
AnnotationIn 2011, the University of Birmingham launched a policy commission on healthy ageing, to explore different expectations for flourishing in later life, and how good health in later life can be promoted. This report was published just as the Care Bill 2013/14 reached its final stages in the House of Lords; and it urges policy-makers to "recognise and accommodate super-diversity when planning services for an ageing population". It presents seven key findings. First, the experience of ageing is complex, and only loosely associated with how old someone is. Second, different cultures think about ageing in different ways, yet our society does not fully understand these differences. Third, health inequalities associated with socio-economic disadvantage are also found in the older population. Fourth, enabling people to experience healthy ageing is a long-term project, which needs to be planned carefully. Fifth, older people want control and independence, but this can be in tension with their need for security, care and support. Sixth, technological support for older people can contribute to healthy ageing, if the support is sensitively developed and applied. Lastly, older people make a huge contribution to society. Some communities and faith groups draw on this contribution in responding to the needs of all their members. Sharing this good practice presents a real opportunity for communities of all kinds. The report discusses seven recommendations for healthy ageing in the UK's 21st century super-diverse society. First, when planning services for an ageing population in the UK, cultural sensitivity should be a vital component. Second, the human rights of older people should be at the heart of health and social care policy. Third, a new statutory post of Commissioner for Older People should be created in England. Fourth, reciprocal relationships that bolster healthy ageing should be central to future care and support arrangements. Fifth, policy makers need to design policies that harness people's instinctive behaviours to work towards, rather than against, healthy ageing. Sixth, more effort is needed to give older people a louder voice in respect of their environment and local community. Lastly, ageing in a super-diverse society is a major challenge that society does not yet fully understand; and Research Councils and other research commissioning bodies should prioritise gaining a better understanding. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-151030006 B
ClassmarkBG: CC: F:59: TM2

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