Centre for Policy on Ageing


Addressing social care needs and wellbeing of older migrants and ethnic minorities in the UK
Author(s)Shereen Hussein
Journal titlePsychology of Older People: The FPOP Bulletin, no 132, October 2015
PublisherBritish Psychological Society, October 2015
Pagespp 32-37
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Migration ; Services ; Needs [elderly] ; Usage [services] ; Well being ; United Kingdom.
AnnotationAll minority ethnic and migrant groups in the UK are growing older. Many studies highlight the relationship between people's experiences during various stages of their lives - including childhood, adulthood and working lives - on their health at older ages. It is not surprising, then, to observe an increasing policy and practice interest in migrants ageing in the UK. The 2011 Census shows that more than half of London's population identified their ethnicity not to be 'White British', and that one in six people in the UK are aged 65 or over. However, older people from black and minority ethnic (BME) groups vary considerably and cannot be viewed as a homogenous group. How people migrated, their level of involvement in the labour market, their education and their participation in various activities are some of the factors that affect their experience of ageing. Additionally, cultural norms and perceptions are directly related to expectations from family, community and the wider health and social care system in providing care support. In this paper, the author draws on various studies relating to ageing among different groups of older people from a BME background, and reflects on some strengths and challenges that different people may encounter. The paper aims to provide a more sympathetic understanding of subjective and structural barriers that some groups may face when receiving health and care services. It concludes by discussing strategies that will facilitate more effective communication and service acceptance by older migrant and minority ethic groups. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-151022201 A
ClassmarkTK: TN: I: IK: QLD: D:F:5HH: 8

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