Centre for Policy on Ageing


The role of the housing allowance for the elderly in Norway
 — views of recipients
Author(s)Siri Ytrehus
Journal titleJournal of Housing for the Elderly, vol 29, nos 1-2, January-June 2015
PublisherTaylor and Francis, January-June 2015
Pagespp 164-179
KeywordsPoor elderly ; Poverty ; Social security benefits ; Housing [elderly] ; Quality ; Social welfare ; Qualitative Studies ; Norway.
AnnotationThis article concerns the housing allowance, an economic benefit provided to low-income households and older people in Norway. Ensuring a high quality of housing for older people has been a priority in the development of the Norwegian welfare state. This article is based on results from a qualitative study of older recipients of a housing allowance. The study shows that while these recipients viewed the financial support the allowance offered as crucial, they still felt impoverished. The study raises some questions about whether the housing allowance scheme encourages high-quality housing. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-150724219 A
ClassmarkF:W6: W6: JH: KE: 59: TY: 3DP: 76N

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