Centre for Policy on Ageing


Learning from our older people
 — pilot study findings on responding to heat
Author(s)Margaret E Loughnan, Matthew Carroll, Nigel Tapper
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 33, no 4, December 2014
PublisherWiley, December 2014
Pagespp 271-277
KeywordsWeather conditions ; Ageing process ; Body temperature ; Ill health ; At risk ; Australia.
AnnotationWith the advent of climate change, it is important that strategies be put in place to minimise the effects of heat. These impacts can be compounded by other factors such as location and age. This exploratory pilot study focused on older people in a rural community in Victoria, Australia that regularly experienced hot weather. The study used a mixed methods approach which included a focus group, household interviews, daily diaries and collection of meteorological data. Generally the community was found to be well adapted to heat with all having modified their homes and behaviours to cope with extreme heat. There was, however, little understanding or planning regarding the potential health impacts of heat. There is a clear need for community-directed adaptation to best meet the needs of older people, particularly those living in urban areas, and for targeted public health campaigns to increase awareness of heat-health risks and disseminate the strategies identified in this community. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-150626256 A
ClassmarkR4: BG: BKM: CH: CA3: 7YA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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