Centre for Policy on Ageing


Managing expectations
 — providing palliative care in aged care facilities
Author(s)Heather Lane, Jennifer Philip
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 34, no 2, June 2015
PublisherWiley, June 2015
Pagespp 76-81
KeywordsCare homes ; Community care ; Services ; Dying ; Palliative care ; Quality ; Personnel ; Attitude ; Australia.
AnnotationThe present study aimed to explore the views and experiences of staff from residential aged care facilities (RACFs) and community palliative care services (CPCSs) on providing palliative and end-of-life care in RACFs. Qualitative exploratory interviews and focus groups were conducted with staff working in two RACFs and two CPCSs, and, following data saturation, a thematic analysis undertaken. 15 RACF and 15 CPCS staff participated. The overarching theme was of managing expectations in the provision of care. This included low expectations of the care available in RACFs, tensions in addressing complex decision-making and concurrent administrative expectations, and differences between views of RACF and CPCS staff regarding their respective roles. Improved understanding of the needs of RACF staff will improve the care of residents and, in turn, reduce hospitalisations. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-150626244 A
ClassmarkKW: PA: I: CX: LVB: 59: QM: DP: 7YA

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