Centre for Policy on Ageing


Narratives in research
 — story as 'showing' the eminently ordinary experience of ageing
Author(s)Valerie A Wright-St Clair, Bevan C Grant, Elizabeth A Smythe
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 33, no 2, June 2014
PublisherWiley, June 2014
Pagespp 132-135
KeywordsAgeing process ; Attitude ; Qualitative Studies ; Interviewing.
AnnotationThe present study aimed to offer a perspective when research narratives about how ageing is lived in everyday life are the primary data. A literature search explored the garnering of narratives about everyday life in advanced age in qualitative research. Narrative examples from the authors' research, and supervised student research, were drawn on to illustrate the experiences of ageing when going about an ordinary day. Stories showed how the lived experience of ageing is both ordinary and complex. Notions revealed are: age as constructed, as assumed by others, as being engaged every day, and as living the day my way. Understanding what it means to be older is in part shaped by which stories are told, who tells the stories and what sense is made of them. In gerontology research, 'storytelling' can be a potent means of knowing what it means to be 'older' and of being worthy to self and others. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-150626243 A
ClassmarkBG: DP: 3DP: 3DL

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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