Centre for Policy on Ageing


Making adult safeguarding personal
Author(s)Marcus Redley, Sally Jennings, Anthony Holland, Isabel Clare
Journal titleJournal of Adult Protection, vol 17, no 3, 2015
PublisherEmerald, 2015
Pagespp 195-204
KeywordsElder abuse ; At risk ; Protection [vulnerable adults] ; Person-centred care ; Advocacy ; Qualitative Studies.
AnnotationThe purpose of this study, based in one large English county council, was to ascertain what efforts Adult Safeguarding Leads (ASLs), generic advocates and Independent Mental Capacity Advocates were making to involve service users in decisions about protective measures, and to investigate whether the Adult Safeguarding service was delivering outcomes which were valued by its users. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with a sample of key stakeholders. Study findings showed that ASLs were making efforts to involve service users in the complex and demanding process of safeguarding. These efforts, however, were shaped by their understandings of the difference between `residential' and `community' settings. Furthermore clarification is needed of what it may mean to adopt a person-centred approach to adult safeguarding, and the responsibilities of ASLs when individuals with capacity to make decisions about this aspect of their lives are unwilling to engage with the safeguarding process. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-150626228 A
ClassmarkQNT: CA3: CA3G: PAA: IQ: 3DP

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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