Centre for Policy on Ageing


Conditions for exercising residents' voting rights in long-term care residences
 — a prospective multicenter study
Author(s)Antoine Bosquet, Farid El Massioui, Isabelle Mahe
Journal titleJournal of Aging and Social Policy, vol 27, no 1, January-March 2015
PublisherTaylor and Francis, January-March 2015
Pagespp 47-62
KeywordsElections ; European Union ; Rights [elderly] ; Residents [care homes] ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Social surveys ; France.
AnnotationFollowing the 2009 European elections in France, the authors conducted a multi-centre survey to assess voting conditions in long-term care settings. A questionnaire about voting procedures and European elections was proposed in 146 out of 884 randomised facilities. Sixty-four percent of facilities answered the questionnaire. Four percent of residents voted (national turnout: 40%), by proxy (58%) or at polling places (42%). Abstention related to procedural issues was reported in 32% of facilities. Sixty-seven percent of establishments had voting procedures, and 53% declared that they assessed residents' capacity to vote. Assistance was proposed to residents for voter registration, for proxy voting, and for voting at polling places, respectively, in 33%, 87%, and 80% of facilities. This survey suggests that residents may be disenfranchised, and that more progress should be made to protect the voting rights of residents in long-term care facilities. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-150619213 A
ClassmarkVLE: WFC: IKR: KX: KW: LHB: 3F: 765

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