Centre for Policy on Ageing


Care of the elderly
 — survey of teaching in an aging Sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s)Lucy Frost, Ana Liddie Navarro, Maeve Lynch
Journal titleGerontology and Geriatrics Education, vol 36, no 1, January-March 2015
PublisherTaylor and Francis, January-March 2015
Pagespp 14-29
KeywordsAgeing process ; Health [elderly] ; Teaching hospitals ; Social surveys ; Africa.
AnnotationIn sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), a rapidly ageing population is presenting challenges to health care systems. Doctors need specialized knowledge to be prepared for the increase in age-related medical conditions. This study aims to investigate the current provision of geriatrics education (GE) in SSA medical schools, and to discover some of the barriers faced in its implementation. Questionnaires were sent to a list of medical schools in SSA supplied by the sub-Saharan African Medical Schools Study. Responses were received from 25 out of 135 institutions (19%), representing 11 countries in SSA. Of these institutions, 4% taught geriatrics and 40% had no geriatrics teaching. The largest perceived barriers to GE were a lack of staff expertise (72%), lack of funding (52%), and absence of geriatrics in the national curricula (48%). There are still a large number of medical schools in SSA who do not teach geriatrics. Improvements in GE should be implemented through local approaches and national policy, while appreciating the cultural context and economic constraints of each country to prepare future doctors for the increasing challenges of an ageing population. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-150619200 A
ClassmarkBG: CC: V6: 3F: 7J

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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