Centre for Policy on Ageing


Surveillance technologies in care homes
 — seven principles for their use
Author(s)Malcolm John Fisk
Journal titleWorking with Older People, vol 19, no 2, 2015
PublisherEmerald, 2015
Pagespp 51-59
KeywordsCare homes ; Restriction ; Technology ; Electronic alarm systems ; Assistive technology ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationThis paper recognises the significance of technological developments and the key part that they now play in helping people live more independently. Surveillance technologies have a part in this within care homes, but there are important ethical considerations - notably around the way in which concerns for privacy are balanced with those about people's safety and autonomy. The paper points to an approach that can guide the use of surveillance technologies within care homes. The seven principles relate to the levels of surveillance: being appropriate in common or public areas; whether provided within a resident's room or other private areas; location should be visible or known to be present; staff should be aware of their responsibilities; access to data, images, audio or video footage should be restricted only to authorised persons or agencies in particular defined situations; ownership of data etc; and minimising intrusion. These principles will be built on through further work in 2015 including care home residents, family carers, formal care providers and others. In setting out these principles, the paper mediates between the positions of those who argue the merits of such technologies and those who point to some of them, notably cameras, as undermining people's privacy and the nature of the "care relationship". The subject matter of this paper is important because of the attention being given to problems of abuse in care settings; and the freedom by which anyone can access technologies that can be used for surveillance. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-150605200 A
ClassmarkKW: 5RC: Y9: OV:YA6: M: 583

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