Centre for Policy on Ageing


Age norms for older adults among Koreans
 — perceptions and influencing factors
Author(s)Soondool Chung, Yunkyung Jung
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 34, no 8, September 2014
PublisherCambridge University Press, September 2014
Pagespp 1335-1355
KeywordsFamily relationships ; Attitude ; Age groups [elderly] ; Social surveys ; Korea.
AnnotationDespite rapid social change that has influenced the social status of older adults, expectations about their behaviour and whether such expectations differ across generations remain unexplored in Korea. Using the ageing theories of activity, disengagement and modernisation, this study investigated age norms among Koreans conceptualised as shared expectations of appropriate behaviours of older adults. It also examined influences of prejudice against older people and generational conflictive perspectives in dealing with issues in an ageing society on these perceptions; also to test potential age group differences in these relationships. Data were analysed from a survey of 1,445 individuals aged 20+ in 16 administrative districts of Korea. Comparisons of age norms across age groups indicated that the older adult group (age 65+) held more restrictive attitudes about social participation and engagement in various behaviours in old age than the middle-aged adults (ages 45-64) and younger adults (ages 20-44). Respondents with more prejudice towards older adults tended to place more restrictions on the behaviour of older adults. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-150604004 A
ClassmarkDS:SJ: DP: BB: 3F: 7DK

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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