Centre for Policy on Ageing


Wealth of the web: broadening horizons online
 — scoping report
Corporate AuthorAge UK London
PublisherAge UK London; Age Action Alliance, London, 2013
Pages36 pp
SourceAge UK London, 1st Floor, 21 St Georges Road, London SE1 6ES. www.ageuk.org/london
KeywordsInformation technology ; Computers ; Usage [services] ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThe Government's drive to going 'digital by default' follows the technological trend towards online-based forms of interactions with service users. However, there is still a large population of people who are not online. This paper scopes the existing literature, to develop an understanding and to provide recommendations for how older Londoners wish to go online to be supported to do so, whilst those who do not are not adversely affected by this decision. It summarises the extent of impact in terms of older Londoners' computer use; and reviews the literature to tentatively propose a theoretical model that aids our understanding of what encourages or discourages getting online. Different people have different needs, and it proposes a model and transitions for digital inclusion. It proposes recommendations for regional and local government, Age UK London (AUKL), voluntary sector organisations, and older people themselves. The literature review used sources including academic publications, official statistics, voluntary sector, government publications and AUKL's own research. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-150602008 B
ClassmarkUVB: 3O: QLD: 64A

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