Centre for Policy on Ageing


Local and regional governments and age-friendly communities
 — a case study of the San Francisco Bay area
Author(s)Amanda J Lehning
Journal titleJournal of Aging and Social Policy, vol 26, nos 1-2, January-June 2014
PublisherTaylor and Francis, January-June 2014
Pagespp 102-116
KeywordsUrban areas ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Development projects ; Local Authority ; Social policy ; Case studies ; United States of America.
AnnotationThis study assesses the extent to which cities, county departments of adult and ageing services, county transportation authorities, and public transit agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area have in place age-friendly policies, programmes, and infrastructure in the areas of community design, housing, transportation, health care and supportive services, and opportunities for community engagement. The most common age-friendly features include those that target alternative forms of mobility (for example, incentives for mixed-use neighbourhoods and changes to improve the accessibility of public transit). The least common policies and programmes are those that aim to help older adults continue driving, such as driver education and driver assessment. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-150529218 A
ClassmarkRK: TOB: IGD: PE: TM2: 69P: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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