Centre for Policy on Ageing


Lessons learned from a Canadian province-wide age-friendly initiative
 — the Age-friendly Manitoba Initiative
Author(s)Verena H Menec, Sheila Novek, Dawn Veselyuk, Jennifer McArthur
Journal titleJournal of Aging and Social Policy, vol 26, nos 1-2, January-June 2014
PublisherTaylor and Francis, January-June 2014
Pagespp 33-51
KeywordsNeighbourhoods, communities etc ; Urban areas ; Rural areas ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Development projects ; Projects ; Canada.
AnnotationThe Age-Friendly Manitoba Initiative was launched in 2008. A formative evaluation conducted by the authors in 2011 with 44 participating rural and urban communities demonstrates considerable progress. Virtually all communities have formed an Age-Friendly Committee and conducted a community assessment to identify priorities for action. The majority of communities implemented one or more age-friendly projects. Major barriers to becoming age-friendly identified by participants included: lack of funding; lack of capacity, particularly in small communities; and lack of leadership or direction. The study highlights the importance of strong leadership at all levels of government (municipal, provincial, federal); the need to support communities, particularly rural ones, as they try to become more age-friendly; and the importance of ongoing promotion of age-friendliness locally and more broadly (e.g. provincially). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-150529214 A
ClassmarkRH: RK: RL: TOB: IGD: 3E: 7S

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