Centre for Policy on Ageing


Intra-European retirement migrants' access to state-funded long-term care and health entitlements
Author(s)Stephanie Kumpunen, Lisa Trigg
Journal titleEurohealth, vol 19, no 4, 2013
PublisherEuropean Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2013
Pagespp 17-18
KeywordsMigration ; Retired persons ; Rights [elderly] ; Health services ; Services ; Social welfare ; European Union ; England ; France ; Italy.
AnnotationWhen older people move between European Member States (MS), they are faced with the complex challenge of negotiating their rights to health and long-term care, often in both their home and host countries. Interviews with 31 local public sector employees across four geographical regions in England, France and Italy found significant variation in eligibility for seemingly similar benefits and different understandings of access rights. (NH).
Accession NumberCPA-150522292 A
ClassmarkTN: BB6: IKR: L: I: TY: WFC: 82: 765: 76V

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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