Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social prescription and the role of participatory arts programmes for older people with sensory impairments
Author(s)Nicholas Vogelpoel, Kara Jarrold
Journal titleJournal of Integrated Care, vol 22, no 2, 2014
PublisherEmerald, 2014
Pagespp 39-50
KeywordsPhysical disabilities ; Visual impairment ; Hearing Impairment ; Isolation [elderly] ; Cultural activities ; Participation ; Well being.
AnnotationThe purpose of this paper was to describe the benefits of a social prescribing service for older people with sensory impairments experiencing social isolation. The paper drew on the findings from a 12-week programme run by Sense, a voluntary sector organisation, and illustrated how integrated services, combining arts-based participation and voluntary sector support, could create positive health and wellbeing outcomes for older people. The research took a mixed-methodological approach, conducting and analysing data from interviews and dynamic observation proformas with facilitators and quantitative psychological wellbeing scores with participants throughout the course of the programme. Observations and case study data were also collected to complement and contextualise the data sets. The research found that participatory arts programmes could help combat social isolation amongst older people with sensory impairments and could offer an important alliance for social care providers who were required to reach more people under increasing financial pressures. The research also highlighted other benefits for health and wellbeing in the group including increased self-confidence, new friendships, increased mental wellbeing and reduced social isolation. The research was based on a sample size of 12 people with sensory impairments and therefore may lack generalisability. However similar outcomes for people engaging in participatory arts through social prescription are documented elsewhere in the literature. The paper includes implications for existing health and social care services and argues that delivering more integrated services that combine health and social care pathways with arts provision have the potential to create social and medical health benefits without being care/support resource heavy. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-150522272 A
ClassmarkBN: BR: BV: F:TP: H4: TMB: D:F:5HH

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