Centre for Policy on Ageing


Fiction and the cultural mediation of ageing
 — the importance of reshaping the narrative of ageing
Author(s)Philip Tew, Nick Hubble, Jago Morrison
Corporate AuthorNew Dynamics of Ageing Programme - NDA; Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield; Brunel Centre for Contemporary Writing (BCCW), Division of English, Brunel University
PublisherNew Dynamics of Ageing - NDA, Sheffield, 2014
Pages8 pp (NDA Findings 28)
SourceNDA Research Programme, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, Elmfield, Northumberland Road, Sheffield S10 2TU. www.newdynamics.group.shef.ac.uk
KeywordsFiction ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Projects ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationFrom May 2009 umtil January 2012, the Fiction and the Cultural Mediation of Ageing Project (FCMAP) team from the Brunel Centre for Contemporary Writing (BCCW) at Brunel University worked collaboratively with researchers at the think-tank Demos, the Mass Observation Archive (MO) at Sussex University, and some London districts of the University of Third Age (U3A). Among the initial research questions were, first, what is the relationship between changing social attitudes towards ageing in post-war Britain and the circulation of cultural representations of ageing? Second, how do cultural representations reflect and shape social and personal attitudes towards ageing amongst older people? Third, how do authors, including key older practitioners, approach ageing as a theme in their work and as part of the life experiences that inform their practice? How do they understand the role of their fiction in terms of broader cultural debates in this area? These findings attempt to explain the methodologies used, and consider the research results in relation to government approaches to different areas of ageing policy. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-150519005 P
ClassmarkHKF: TOB: 3E: 3A:6KC *

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