Centre for Policy on Ageing


Contemporary visual art and identity construction
 — well-being among older people
Author(s)Andrew Newman, Anna Goulding
Corporate AuthorNew Dynamics of Ageing Programme - NDA; Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield
PublisherNew Dynamics of Ageing - NDA, Sheffield, 2014
Pages8 pp (NDA Findings 26)
SourceNDA Research Programme, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, Elmfield, Northumberland Road, Sheffield S10 2TU. www.newdynamics.group.shef.ac.uk
KeywordsCultural activities ; Personality ; Well being ; Projects ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationThe relationships between older people's engagement with contemporary visual art, identity construction and sense of well-being was explored. Over 21 months, 56 participants in 7 groups made three visits to contemporary art galleries across north-east England, including the BALTIC Centre of Contemporary Art and the Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art. Focus group interviews before and after each visit were used to gage the impact of participation in the intervention in terms of subjective well-being. Even if participants did not like the art, they enjoyed talking about the works; they also used the art to reminisce as part of a group, which developed bonding relationships with other participants. Practical barriers to participation identified included transport and access to venues; and inside the galleries, small fonts on labels were difficult to read and lighting was not always bright enough. A 12-month follow-up project, 'Contemporary visual Art: policy and practice', funded by ESRC, aims to develop research-informed arts policy and arts interventions designed to improve older people's well-being. The research has also contributed to 'Dementia and imagination: connecting communities and developing well-being through socially engaged visual arts practice', a 3-year project at Bangor University, funded by an AHRC Communities, Cultures, Health and Well-being Research Grant, as part of the Connected Communities programme. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-150519003 P
ClassmarkH4: DK: D:F:5HH: 3E: 3A:6KC *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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