Centre for Policy on Ageing


The Cochrane Collaboration and geriatric medicine
Author(s)David J Stott, Camilla Young, Tracey Howe
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 42, no 6, November 2013
PublisherOxford University Press, November 2013
Pagespp 677-678
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Medical care ; Clinical surveys ; Information retrieval ; Information services ; Histories.
AnnotationThe Cochrane Collaboration is an international healthcare charity that was inspired by the Scottish epidemiologist Archie Cochrane, who in 1972 pointed out that the medical profession was failing to organise reliable summaries of randomised trials to inform decisions about healthcare. The Collaboration was subsequently formally established by obstetrician Iain Chalmers and colleagues, to support the production and maintenance of systematic reviews across subjects relevant to healthcare. 2013 marks the twentieth anniversary of the Collaboration's foundation in 1993. This editorial notes that while the Cochrane review process has been criticised for its slowness, the database of systematic reviews (http://www.thecochranelibrary.com) contains high-quality, relevant and impartial evidence that all geriatricians should use as their "first port of call" in considering data to support clinical practice and to inform decision-making. In 1994, the Health Care of Older People Field (http://www.knowledge.scot.nhs.uk/effectiveolderpeo... was established. Recent developments include guidance and methods for systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy (DTA); and dementia diagnosis will be one of the early clinical issues to be reported on. Thus, there is a substantial portfolio of Cochrane systematic reviews on common problems in geriatric medicine. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-131115200 A
ClassmarkCC: LK: 3G: UW: UV: 6A

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