Centre for Policy on Ageing


Carers and personalisation
 — what roles do carers play in personalised adult social care? What roles do carers and service users want carers to play?
Author(s)Wendy Mitchell, Jenni Brooks, Caroline Glendinning
Corporate AuthorSocial Policy Research Unit - SPRU, University of York; NIHR School for Social Care Research
PublisherNational Institute for Health Research, London, 2013
Pages4 pp (Research findings, 12)
KeywordsInformal care ; Services ; Usage [services] ; Social security benefits ; Independence ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationFrom January 2011 until December 2012, the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU) examined how current English adult social care practice balances the interests of service users and family carers, in assessment, planning, on-going management and reviews of personal budgets (PBs), particularly when budget-holders have cognitive or communication impairments. A survey of councils in two typical English regions examined senior local authority perspectives, everyday practice by frontline staff and experiences of service users and carers. Although managers and practitioners reported that they informed carers of their rights to separate assessments, there was otherwise little consistency, and practice. There was little evidence that separate carer assessments were routinely conducted or linked to service user assessments, personal budget levels and support plans. However, carers were routinely involved in planning how the service user's PB would be used. Wider debate is needed, within on-going resource constraints, about delivering support to service users and carers that recognise both their independent aspirations for choice and control and their interdependent relationships. Such debate should inform further development of the 2013 Care Bill and subsequent practice guidance. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-131108216 P
ClassmarkP6: I: QLD: JH: C3: 3A:6KC *

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